Entering Walker on US-395 north.
Taken 04-27-2019
Entering Sunnyvale on US-101 north.
Taken 09-22-2018
Sacramento City Limit on I-5 south. Sacramento is the capital and the 6th largest city (according to 2010 census) in California.
Taken 11-20-2017
South Lake Tahoe City Limit on US-50 eastbound.
Taken 08-15-2016
Meyers City Limit on CA-89 north.
Taken 08-12-2016
US-101 South - Entering Crescent City. Crescent City is the county seat of Del Norte County.
Taken 08-19-2015
San Bernardino City Limit on CA-210 west. San Bernardino is the county seat of San Bernardino County.
Taken 02-28-2011
I-10 west at San Bernardino County Line, and Yucaipa City Limits.
Taken 02-28-2011
US-50/BL-80 west at the Yolo-Sacramento County Line at the Sacramento River. Also entering the city of West Sacramento.
Taken 04-16-2010
Welcome to California on US-50 west at the California-Nevada state line. Entering South Lake Tahoe.
Taken 04-15-2010