ID-74 South (Washington St.) approaching E 3600 N. Turn right to continue south on ID-74 to Jct. US-93 and Jackpot (Nevada). Continue south on Washington St. to (Magic Valley Regional) Airport.
Taken 07-19-2023
Distance marker on ID-33 east. Distance to I-15, Rexburg, and West Yellowstone (Montana - via US-20 East)
Taken 09-24-2021
Distance marker on US-93 north. Distance to Gibbonsville, Jct. Mont. 43 (at Lost Trail Pass), and Missoula (Montana).
Taken 07-02-2021
ID-36 West (Westside Highway) at Weston Canyon Road. Turn right to continue west on ID-36 to I-15 Jct. Continue south on Westside Highway to (Weston) City Center.
Taken 04-23-2021
Distance marker on ID-36 west. Distance to Dayton, Weston, and Jct. I-15.
Taken 04-23-2021
End ID-38 / Begin Old Highway 37. Road is maintained by Oneida County next 14 miles from 8:00 AM to 5:00PM.
Taken 12-30-2020
End ID-81 South at ID-77 in Malta. Use ID-77 north for City of Rocks National Preserve and Castle Rocks State Park.
Taken 12-30-2020
US-30 west (2nd Ave N) at ID-74 (Shoshone St E) in Twin Falls. Turn left on ID-74 south for Wells, Nev. (via US-93 south); turn right on ID-74 north for Jct. I-84 (via Bus. US-93 and US-93 North). Continue straight on US-30 West for Buhl.
Taken 04-04-2020
BL-84 West at ID-19 in Caldwell. Turn left for ID-19 West to Wilder and Homedale. Turn right to continue on BL-84 West to I-84.
Taken 11-10-2018
US-20 East/US-26 East/US-93 North - Road Closure Information in Carey. US-26/US-26/US-93 between Carey and Arco is open.
Taken 07-21-2018