I-8 East Approaching US Border Patrol Inspection Station
I-8 approaching the US Border Patrol Inspection Station, east of Yuma. The station was closed at the time this picture was taken.
I-8 East - Exit 7
I-8 east at Exit 7 - AZ-195/Araby Road. AZ-195 is being constructed as an alternate route between Yuma and the San Luis Port of Entry at the Mexico border. Currently only a few miles of this route is complete.
AZ-280 North at I-8
AZ-280 north at I-8. Use I-8 west for San Diego. Use I-8 east for Phoenix and Tucson.
I-8 East Approaching Exit 2
I-8 east approaching Exit 2 - US-95 jct. Use US-95 for San Luis, Yuma Proving Ground, and Quartzite.
I-8 East - Welcome To Arizona
I-8 east - Welcome To Arizona. The welcome sign is about a mile inside of Arizona after Exit 1. There is a smaller welcome sign on the Colorado River bridge at the actual state line.
I-8 East - Exit 1
I-8 east at Exit 1 - Redondo Center Drive/Giss Parkway. This is the first Arizona exit along I-8. Approaching the Arizona Port of Entry.
I-8 East - Yuma Exits
Upcoming exits on I-8 east in Yuma - Redondo Center Drive/Giss Parkway, Weigh Station, 16th St./US-95.
I-8 East - Arizona State Line
Arizona State Line, Yuma County Line, and Yuma City Limits on the Colorado River bridge at the Arizona-California State Line.
I-8 West - Distance Marker
Distance marker on I-8 west to CA-186, El Centro, and San Diego just east of Arizona-California Line
I-8 West Exit 1 (Arizona) - Exit 172 (California)
I-8 west at Exit 1, Giss Parkway. The highway passes over the Colorado River in the background of this picture crossing into California. The next exit on the sign is California Exit 172 BL-8/Winterhaven/4th Ave