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Lowman, Idaho

ID-21 South - Banks-Lowman Highway Jct.

ID-21 South - Banks-Lowman Highway Jct.

ID-21 South at Banks-Lowman Highway Jct. Use the Banks-Lowman Highway for Garden Valley and Banks.

ID-21 South - Entering Lowman

ID-21 South - Entering Lowman

Entering Lowman on ID-21 south.

ID-21 South - Grandjean Jct.

ID-21 South - Grandjean Jct.

ID-21 south at Grandjean Jct.

ID-21 South - Avalanche Area

ID-21 South - Avalanche Area

Entering Avalanche Zone on ID-21 south. This area south of Banner Summit has frequent avalanches in the winter, which causes road closures.

ID-21 - Entering Boise County

ID-21 - Entering Boise County

Entering Boise County along ID-21 south. The Boise-Custer County Line is located on Banner Summit - Elevation 7037 Feet.

End Banks-Lowman Hwy. at ID-21

End Banks-Lowman Hwy. at ID-21

Junction ID-21 with Banks-Lowman Road

ID-21 North at FR-582

ID-21 North at FR-582

ID-21/FR-582 Junction in Lowman

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