Leaving Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation
Leaving the Coeur d’Alene Indian Reservation on ID-60 west at the Idaho-Washington State Line.
End ID-60
End ID-60 West at Washington State Line
US-95 South at ID-60 West
US-95 south at ID-60 West
US-95 South Approaching ID-60
US-95 south approaching ID-60
US-95 South at ID-5 East
US-95 south to Moscow and Lewiston at ID-5 east to St. Maries and Heyburn State Park.
End ID-60 East at US-95
End ID-60 east at US-95.
US-95 North at ID-5 East
US-95 north at ID-5 east to St. Maries. Continue north on US-95 for Coeur d’Alene and Spokane (Washington).
US-95 North at ID-60
US-95 north at ID-60 in Benewah County.