ID-3 north at ID-6
ID-3 north at ID-6. The White Pine Scenic Byway follows ID-3 north from here to Rose Lake.
ID-3 North Approaching ID-6
ID-3 north approaching ID-6. Use ID-6 west for Potlatch. Use ID-3 north for St. Maries and Coeur d’Alene.
ID-97 North - Lake Coeur d'Alene Scenic Byway
Lake Coeur d’Alene Scenic Byway at beginning of ID-97 north. Uses new style of scenic byway marker.
End ID-6 East at ID-3
End ID-6 east at ID-3. The brown shields indicate a state scenic byway, in this case White Pine Scenic Byway. The White Pine Scenic Byway turns north on ID-3 here.
End ID-6 East at ID-3
End ID-6 east at ID-3. Continue straight for ID-3 south to Clarkia; turn left for ID-3 north to St. Maries and Coeur d’Alene.