US-195 South - Distance Marker
Distance marker on US-195 south. Distance to Pullman, Lewiston (Idaho), and Clarkston.
US-195 South - Colfax
US-195 south (Main St.) at James St. Southbound traffic veer left on James St. towards Pullman and Lewiston (Idaho).
US-195 South at WA-26 West
US-195 south at WA-26 West to Walla Walla. Continue south on US-195 south for Colfax.
US-195 South Approaching WA-26
US-195 south approaching WA-26 west. Use WA-26 for Walla Walla and the Tri Cities. Also use WA-26 for the Palouse Empire Fairgrounds.
US-195 South - Colfax
US-195 south (Main St.) at James St. Southbound traffic veer left on James St. towards Pullman and Lewiston (Idaho).
End WA-26 West at US-195
End WA-26 east at US-195. Use US-195 north for Spokane. Use US-195 south for Colfax and Pullman.
US-195 North at WA-26 West
US-195 north at WA-26 west to Vantage and Walla Walla. WA-26 is the main highway across central Washington from the Palouse region to Seattle. Use WA-26 west for the Palouse Empire Fairgrounds.
US-195 North at WA-26 West
US-195 north in Colfax at WA-26 west to Vantage. US-195 continues north to Spokane.
WA-272 West Approaching US-195
WA-272 west approaching US-195 to Spokane and Pullman. Entering Colfax - Population 2880. Colfax is the Whitman County Seat.
WA-272 East - Grade Information
WA-272 west at the top of a 10% grade above Colfax. Route diagram showing the speed and grade information, and the stoplight at the bottom of the hill at US-195.
US-195 South Approaching WA-26
US-195 south approaching WA-26 west. Use US-195 south for Colfax and Pullman.