AZ-83 north at I-10. Use I-10 east for El Paso (Texas); I-10 west for Tucson.
Taken 03-23-2019
AZ-83 North approaching I-10 in Pima County.
Taken 03-23-2019
Distance marker on AZ-83 north. Distance to I-10.
Taken 03-23-2019
AZ-83 North and Scenic Byway sign in Sonoita. AZ-83 is part of the Patagonia-Sonoita Scenic Road.
Taken 03-23-2019
AZ-82 east approaching AZ-83. Use AZ-83 north for I-10. Continue east on AZ-82 for SR-90. Turn right on county road for Parker Canyon Lake.
Taken 03-23-2019
Entering Sonoita on AZ-82 East.
Taken 03-23-2019
Patagonia City Limits on AZ-82 East.
Taken 03-23-2019
Entering Patagonia on AZ-82 East. Elevation 4050; Established 1898.
Taken 03-23-2019
BL-19 North at AZ-82 East - Nogales.
Taken 03-23-2019
BL-19 North at AZ-82 in Nogales. Turn left for AZ-82 east to Patagonia. Continue north on BL-19 for Tucson.
Taken 03-23-2019