US-70 west at AZ-77. Use AZ-77 south for Winkelman and Tucson. Continue west on US-70/AZ-77 north for Globe.
Taken 03-21-2010
US-70 west approaching AZ-77
Taken 03-21-2010
US-70 West approaching BIA-8.
Taken 03-21-2010
US-70 west at US-191 south. Use US-70 west for Globe and Phoenix. Use US-70 East/US-191 North for Lordsburg (NM).
Taken 03-21-2010
US-70 west at US-191 south. Use US-70 west for Globe and Phoenix. Use US-191 South for Willcox.
Taken 03-21-2010
US-70 West/US-191 South at the US-70/US-191 Split. Turn left to continue south on US-191. US-70 continues straight ahead.
Taken 03-21-2010
US-70 West/US-191 South Approaching US-191/US-70 split.
Taken 03-21-2010
US-191 south at US-70. US-191 South joins US-70 west to Safford.
Taken 03-21-2010
US-191 south approaching US-70. Use US-70 West/US-191 South for Safford and Phoenix. Use US-70 east for Lordsburg (NM).
Taken 03-21-2010
US-191 south approaching US-70.
Taken 03-21-2010