AZ-280 north at I-8. Use I-8 west for San Diego. Use I-8 east for Phoenix and Tucson.
Taken 03-20-2010
AZ-280 south along Ave 3E in Yuma.
Taken 03-20-2010
I-8 east Exit 3 offramp at AZ-280 south.
Taken 03-20-2010
I-8 east at Exit 3 -AZ-280 South/Ave 3E
Taken 03-20-2010
I-8 east at Exit 2 - US-95/16th St.
Taken 03-20-2010
Upcoming exits on I-8 east - 16th St./US-95, Ave 3E/AZ-280, Araby Road.
Taken 03-20-2010
I-8 east approaching Exit 2 - US-95 jct. Use US-95 for San Luis, Yuma Proving Ground, and Quartzite.
Taken 03-20-2010
I-8 east - Welcome To Arizona. The welcome sign is about a mile inside of Arizona after Exit 1. There is a smaller welcome sign on the Colorado River bridge at the actual state line.
Taken 03-20-2010
I-8 east at Exit 1 - Redondo Center Drive/Giss Parkway. This is the first Arizona exit along I-8. Approaching the Arizona Port of Entry.
Taken 03-20-2010
Upcoming exits on I-8 east in Yuma - Redondo Center Drive/Giss Parkway, Weigh Station, 16th St./US-95.
Taken 03-20-2010