US-101 south Exit 731 -Seawood Drive
Taken 09-25-2009
US-101 south Exit 734 -Patricks Point Drive
Taken 09-25-2009
US-101 south Exit 765 - Newton B Drury Scenic Parkway
Taken 09-23-2009
US-101 south Exit 768 - Klamath Beach Road
Taken 09-23-2009
US-101 south Exit 769 - CA-169/Klamath/Terwer Valley
Taken 09-23-2009
US-101 south Exit 791 - Washington Blvd.
Taken 09-23-2009
US-199 west at Elk Valley Cross Road, which provides access to US-101 north to Oregon. This is the western terminus of US-199.
Taken 09-23-2009
US-199 west approaching US-101. Use US-101 north for the Oregon Coast. Use US-101 south for Crescent City. There is no direct connection to US-101 north from US-199 west. Traffic follows the Elk Valley Cross Road to reach US-101. This is the western terminus of US-199.
Taken 09-23-2009
US-199 west at CA-197/North Bank Road/Smith River. US-199 continues west towards Crescent City.
Taken 09-23-2009
Arizona State Line on I-10 east on the Colorado River bridge. Mile 0 marker is attached to the sign.
Taken 03-21-2009