I-70 east approaching Exit 216 - US-6 West/Loveland Pass. US-6 East joins I-70 East through Idaho Springs.
Taken 07-10-2022
I-70 East - Eisenhower-Edwin C. Johnson Memorial Tunnel. Elevation 11,158 Feet.
Taken 07-10-2022
I-70/US-6 East/CO-9 North at Exit 205 - US-6 East/CO-9 North/Silverthorne/Dillon. US-6 East and CO-9 North leave I-70 eastbound here.
Taken 07-10-2022
I-70 East/CO-9 North in Frisco
Taken 07-10-2022
I-70 east approaching Exit 203 - CO-9 South/Frisco. CO-9 North joins I-70/US-6 Eastbound.
Taken 07-10-2022
I-70 east at Exit 201 - Frisco/Breckenridge
Taken 07-10-2022
I-70 east approaching Exit 198 - Officers Gulch.
Taken 07-10-2022
End CO-91 North at I-70/US-6 (Exit 195) in Summit County. Use I-70/US-6 West to Grand Junction; I-70/US-6 East to Denver.
Taken 07-10-2022
CO-91 North - Fremont Pass Summit - 4 Miles in Lake County.
Taken 07-10-2022
US-24 West approaching CO-91 in Leadville.
Taken 07-10-2022