Entering Yuma on US-34 East. Elevation 4132 Feet.
Taken 07-11-2022
Entering Yuma County on US-34 East.
Taken 07-11-2022
Distance marker on US-34 east. Distance to Yuma and Wray.
Taken 07-11-2022
US-34 East at CO-61 North in Otis.
Taken 07-11-2022
Entering Otis on US-34 East. Elevation 4335 Feet.
Taken 07-11-2022
US-34 East at CO-63 in Akron. Use CO-63 North to Sterling; use CO-63 South to Anton. Continue east on US-34 to Wray.
Taken 07-11-2022
Entering Akron on US-34 East. Akron is the county seat of Washington County, Colorado. Elevation 4662 Feet.
Taken 07-11-2022
Entering Washington County on US-34 East
Taken 07-11-2022
BL-76 West at US-34. Use US-34 east to Akron and Yuma; BL-76/US-34 West to Brush.
Taken 07-11-2022
BL-76 West at US-34 in Morgan County
Taken 07-11-2022