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Signs From Idaho

US-12 East - Syringa
US-12 East - Syringa

Entering Syringa on US-12 east. Syringa is the Idaho state flower.

Taken 11-30-2024

US-12 Kooskia Idaho County Idaho United States
US-12 East - Winding Road
US-12 East - Winding Road

Winding Road Next 99 Miles on US-12 east. The next 99 miles are following the Clearwater and Lochsa River up to Lolo Pass.

Taken 11-30-2024

US-12 Kooskia Idaho County Idaho United States
ID-13 North - Stites
ID-13 North - Stites

Entering Stites on ID-13 North. Population 221.

Taken 11-30-2024

ID-13 Stites Idaho County Idaho United States
ID-13 - Northwest Passage Scenic Byway
ID-13 - Northwest Passage Scenic Byway

ID-13 - Northwest Passage Scenic Byway in Harpster.

Taken 11-30-2024

ID-13 Harpster Idaho County Idaho United States
ID-13 North - Distance Marker
ID-13 North - Distance Marker

Distance marker on ID-13 north. Distance to Stites, Kooskia, and Missoula (Montana).

Taken 11-30-2024

ID-13 Grangeville Idaho County Idaho United States
ID-13 North at ID-14
ID-13 North at ID-14

ID-13 North at ID-14 in Idaho County.

Taken 11-30-2024

ID-13 ID-14 Harpster Idaho County Idaho United States
ID-13 North at ID-14
ID-13 North at ID-14

ID-13 North at ID-14 to Elk City. Continue north on ID-13 to Kooskia and Missoula (Montana).

Taken 11-30-2024

ID-13 ID-14 Grangeville Idaho County Idaho United States
ID-13 North - Distance Marker
ID-13 North - Distance Marker

Distance marker on ID-13 north. Distance to Harpster, Kooskia, and Missoula (Montana).

Taken 11-30-2024

ID-13 Grangeville Idaho County Idaho United States
ID-13 - Grangeville
ID-13 - Grangeville

ID-13 North in Grangeville.

Taken 11-30-2024

ID-13 Grangeville Idaho County Idaho United States
US-95 North at ID-13
US-95 North at ID-13

US-95 North at ID-13 in Grangeville. Use ID-13 to Kooskia; continue north on US-95 to Craigmont and Lewiston.

Taken 11-30-2024

US-95 ID-13 Grangeville Idaho County Idaho United States