Pioneer Historic Byway Information on US-91.
Taken 08-01-2000
ID-43/Ucon Exit on US-20 East. When this photo was taken US-20 did not yet have exit numbers. The have since been assigned.
Taken 08-01-2000
US-30/BL-84 East - Thousand Springs Scenic Byway
Taken 08-01-2000
ID-61 Junction on US-89 North. ID-61 south is the shortest state highway in Idaho.
Taken 08-01-2000
US-89 North at ID-61 To WY-89 Junction. ID-61 is the shortest state route in Idaho ( 0.74 miles long). ID-61 is essentially a spur of WY-89 to connect up with US-89 which heads back into Wyoming.
Taken 08-01-2000
US-89 North at US-30 East to Border and Kemmerer (WY) and west to Pocatello and Jackson (WY). US-89 follows US-30 west briefly through Montpelier.
Taken 08-01-2000
Historical Marker on Red Rock Pass, US-91 South. All highways in Idaho have these historical markers. To see all of them check out the Idaho State Historical Marker Guide. Red Rock Pass is where ancient Lake Bonneville - an inland sea, which covered most of the great basin, overflowed into the Snake Plain. Evidence of this great flood is everywhere along the Snake and Columbia Rivers in the Pacific Northwest. This pass marks the divide between the Great Basin and the Snake/Columbia River drainages.
Taken 08-01-2000
Welcome To Wyoming On WY-89 South. This is an older style of welcome sign in Wyoming. The newer signs have a picture of Devils Tower.
Taken 08-01-2000
Welcome To The United States/US Customs, ID-1 South. This is taken right at the border gate. The post on the right side of the picture is what the border gate is attached to.
Taken 05-01-2000
Welcome To the United States of America and Welcome TO Idaho on ID-1 South
Taken 05-01-2000