BL-90 West at US-95. US-95 north goes through Coeur d’Alene to I-90.
Taken 03-01-2000
I-90 East at Exit 2 - Pleasant View Road. This is the first exit in Idaho on I-90 East.
Taken 03-01-2000
I-90 East at Exit 7 - ID-41/Rathdrum/Spirit Lake
Taken 03-01-2000
I-90 freeway entrance at I-90 Exit 17 - Mullan Trail Road. I-90 east to Missoula and Kellogg, and west to Coeur d’Alene.
Taken 03-01-2000
End ID-66 West at US-95 in Latah County.
Taken 04-01-1999
Idaho Speed Limit 55 Sign on ID-66 South
Taken 04-01-1999
US-12 East - Idaho’s Northwest Passage Scenic Byway along the Clearwater River in Nez Perce County.
Taken 04-01-1999
End ID-6 east at ID-3. The brown shields indicate a state scenic byway, in this case White Pine Scenic Byway. The White Pine Scenic Byway turns north on ID-3 here.
Taken 09-01-1998
End ID-6 east at ID-3. Continue straight for ID-3 south to Clarkia; turn left for ID-3 north to St. Maries and Coeur d’Alene.
Taken 09-01-1998
Entering Kootenai County on ID-3 North
Taken 09-01-1998