BL-84 west approaching I-84/US-20/US-26/US-30 in Mountain Home. This is the western end of the Mountain Home business loop.
Taken 08-31-2014
BL-84 West/To I-84 on the west side of Mountain Home.
Taken 08-31-2014
ID-51 North (Old US-30) at BL-84. Turn right on American Legion Blvd. for BL-84 east; continue straight for BL-84 west.
Taken 08-31-2014
ID-51 north at Old US-30. Use Old US-30 for I-84 eastbound access. Continue north on ID-51 for I-84, BL-84, Boise, Glenns Ferry, and Twin Falls. This intersection used to route Twin Falls traffic along Old US-30, but has recently been changed to route traffic along the business loop.
Taken 08-31-2014
ID-51 north at ID-67. Turn left for ID-67 east to US Ecology Idaho Waste Site and Mountain Home AFB. Turn right on ID-51 north for Mountain Home and Boise.
Taken 08-31-2014
ID-51 north approaching ID-67. Turn right to continue north on ID-51; left for ID-67.
Taken 08-31-2014
Entering Elmore County on ID-51 north, on the bridge over the Snake River.
Taken 08-31-2014
Distance marker on ID-51 north. Distance to Mountain Home and Boise.
Taken 08-31-2014
ID-51 North/ID-78 East at ID-51/ID-78 junction. Turn right for ID-78 east to Hammett and Bruneau Dunes State Park. Continue north on ID-51 for Mountain Home and Boise.
Taken 08-31-2014
ID-51 North/ID-78 East at split. Merge right to continue east on ID-78.
Taken 08-31-2014