MT-80 south at MTS-387
Taken 09-09-2005
Distance marker to Highwood on MTS-228 south
Taken 09-09-2005
Jct US-87 on MTS-387 north
Taken 09-09-2005
End MTS-387 north at US-87 to Great Falls and Havre.
Taken 09-09-2005
End of MTS-434 at MT-200 junction to Great Falls and Lincoln. The front range of the Rocky Mountains are in the background.
Taken 09-09-2005
Orange St. at I-90 in Missoula. Turn right for I-90 East to Butte; proceed under freeway for I-90 west to Coeur d’Alene (Idaho).
Taken 09-09-2005
Orange St. North (Bus. US-93) at Broadway (BL-90) in downtown Missoula.
Taken 09-09-2005
US-287 north, just north of MT-200
Taken 09-09-2005
MT-200 junction on US-287 south
Taken 09-09-2005