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Signs From Utah

UT-313 East at Canyonlands National Park
UT-313 East at Canyonlands National Park

UT-313 east at Canyonlands NP access road.

Taken 10-22-2008

UT-313 Moab Grand County Utah United States
UT-313 at Canyonlands National Park Jct.
UT-313 at Canyonlands National Park Jct.

UT-313 north approaching Canyonlands NP access road. Turn right to continue on UT-313 to US-191.

Taken 10-22-2008

UT-313 Moab Grand County Utah United States
End UT-46 West at US-191
End UT-46 West at US-191

End UT-46 west at US-191.

Taken 10-21-2008

US-191 UT-46 La Sal San Juan County Utah United States
UT-46 West Approaching US-191
UT-46 West Approaching US-191

UT-46 west approaching US-191.

Taken 10-21-2008

US-191 UT-46 La Sal San Juan County Utah United States
UT-308 North - Kodachrome Basin
UT-308 North - Kodachrome Basin

UT-308 north on Kodachrome Basin Road. This was taken north of Cottonwood Wash Rd. junction. UT-308 does not connect to the state highway system.

Taken 10-15-2008

UT-308 Henrieville Kane County Utah United States
UT-12 East at UT-63 South
UT-12 East at UT-63 South

UT-12 at approaching UT-63.

Taken 10-12-2008

UT-12 UT-63 Bryce Garfield County Utah United States
UT-12 East Approaching UT-63
UT-12 East Approaching UT-63

UT-12 east approaching UT-63.

Taken 10-12-2008

UT-12 UT-63 Bryce Garfield County Utah United States
UT-12 East Approaching UT-63
UT-12 East Approaching UT-63

UT-12 east approaching UT-63 south to Bryce Canyon.

Taken 10-12-2008

UT-12 UT-63 Bryce Canyon City Garfield County Utah United States
US-89 North at UT-12 East
US-89 North at UT-12 East

US-89 north at UT-12 east. UT-12 is marked as a Utah scenic byway.

Taken 10-12-2008

US-89 UT-12 Panguitch Garfield County Utah United States
US-89 North Approaching UT-12 East
US-89 North Approaching UT-12 East

US-89 north approaching UT-12 east to Tropic. Use US-89 north for Salt Lake and Panguitch.

Taken 10-12-2008

US-89 UT-12 Panguitch Garfield County Utah United States