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Signs From Utah

UT-21 East Approaching UT-130
UT-21 East Approaching UT-130

UT-21 east approaching UT-130 south.

Taken 10-11-2008

UT-21 UT-130 Minersville Beaver County Utah United States
UT-21 East at UT-159
UT-21 East at UT-159

UT-21 east at UT-159 north.

Taken 10-11-2008

UT-21 UT-159 Garrison Millard County Utah United States
UT-21 East at UT-159
UT-21 East at UT-159

UT-21 east approaching UT-159 north to US-6/US-50 and Delta.

Taken 10-11-2008

UT-21 UT-159 Garrison Millard County Utah United States
UT-21 East Approaching UT-159
UT-21 East Approaching UT-159

UT-21 east approaching UT-159 north.

Taken 10-11-2008

UT-21 UT-159 Garrison Millard County Utah United States
I-15 North - Welcome To Idaho
I-15 North - Welcome To Idaho

Welcome to Idaho on I-15 North at the Utah/Idaho border.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-15 Portage Box Elder County Utah United States
I-15 North - Exit 398
I-15 North - Exit 398

I-15 north at Exit 398 - Portage. This is the last Utah exit on I-15.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-15 Portage Box Elder County Utah United States
I-15 North - Exit 398
I-15 North - Exit 398

I-15 north approaching Exit 398 - Portage. This is the last exit in Utah on I-15.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-15 Portage Box Elder County Utah United States
I-15 North - Exit 392
I-15 North - Exit 392

I-15 north at Exit 392 - UT-13 South/Plymouth.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-15 UT-13 Garland Box Elder County Utah United States
I-15 North - Exit 392
I-15 North - Exit 392

I-15 north approaching Exit 392 - UT-13 South/Plymouth.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-15 UT-13 Garland Box Elder County Utah United States
I-15 North - Exit 385
I-15 North - Exit 385

I-15 north approaching Exit 385 - UT-30 East/Riverside/Logan.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-15 UT-30 Garland Box Elder County Utah United States