End UT-44 north at UT-43 to Salt Lake and Green River, in Manila.
Taken 05-01-2005
End of UT-44 at UT-43 in Manilla.
Taken 05-01-2005
UT-43 west approaching UT-44 in Manilla. UT-44 combined with US-191 is the Utah portion of the Flaming Gorge Loop.
Taken 05-01-2005
US-191 north at UT-162 junction in Bluff.
Taken 05-01-2005
US-191 north at UT-44 junction in Daggett County, on the southern end of Flaming Gorge NRA.
Taken 05-01-2005
US-191 shield in Bluff south of UT-163.
Taken 05-01-2005
US-40 west at Exit 2 - Sliver Summit. Approaching I-80. Use I-80 east to Cheyenne (Wyoming); I-80 west to Salt Lake. US-40 west ends at I-80.
Taken 05-01-2005
US-50 west shield in Salina
Taken 05-01-2005
US-50 west at UT-24 junction near Aurora.
Taken 05-01-2005
UT-24/US-50 split near Aurora.
Taken 05-01-2005