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Signs From Utah

I-80 East Exit 145
I-80 East Exit 145

I-80 east at Exit 145 - UT-224 South/Kimball Junction/Park City exit.

Taken 04-01-2002

I-80 UT-224 Silver Summit Summit County Utah United States
I-80 East Exit 148
I-80 East Exit 148

I-80 east approaching Exit 148 - US-40/Heber/Vernal on I-80 East, Summit County.

Taken 04-01-2002

I-80 US-40 Park City Summit County Utah United States
I-80 East Exit 148
I-80 East Exit 148

I-80 East at Exit 148 - US-40 East/Heber. This is the beginning of US-40.

Taken 04-01-2002

I-80 US-40 Park City Summit County Utah United States
I-80 East Exit 168
I-80 East Exit 168

I-80 East at Exit 168 - I-84 West/Ogden. I-80 East/Cheyenne overhead.

Taken 04-01-2002

I-80 I-84 Coalville Summit County Utah United States
I-80 East Exit 193
I-80 East Exit 193

I-80 East at Exit 193 - Wahsatch. Last Utah exit.

Taken 04-01-2002

I-80 Wahsatch Summit County Utah United States
I-80 East Exit 197
I-80 East Exit 197

I-80 east Exit 197 - Port of Entry. This is the ramp to the Wyoming Port of Entry, near the Utah-Wyoming line.

Taken 04-01-2002

I-80 Wahsatch Summit County Utah United States
I-80 East Exits 124, 125, and 126
I-80 East Exits 124, 125, and 126

I-80 East, Exits 124,125, and 126. Exit 124 - US-89/State St., Exit 125 - UT-71/700 East, Exit 126 - UT-181/1300 East

Taken 04-01-2002

I-80 US-89 UT-71 UT-181 South Salt Lake Salt Lake County Utah United States
UT-16 South - Rich County
UT-16 South - Rich County

Begin of UT-16 south, at UT-30.

Taken 04-01-2002

UT-16 UT-30 Sage Creek Junction Rich County Utah United States
UT-30 at I-15 Exit 387 Onramp
UT-30 at I-15 Exit 387 Onramp

UT-30 at I-15 Junction To Pocatello and Ogden.

Taken 04-01-2002

I-15 UT-30 Riverside Box Elder County Utah United States
I-80 at UT-138 (Exit 84)
I-80 at UT-138 (Exit 84)

UT-138 south at I-80 east (Exit 84) onramp.

Taken 11-01-2001

I-80 UT-138 Grantsville Tooele County Utah United States