I-80 East Exit 84 Offramp at UT-138. Turn left on UT-138 to Grantsville and Tooele. Right for Solar Road.
Taken 06-20-2014
I-80 East onramp at Exit 4 interchange. Turn left for Salt Lake; continue straight for Frontage Road. The next exit eastbound is 37 miles at the other end of the Salt Flats.
Taken 06-20-2014
End BL-80/UT-58 east at I-80. The Exit 2 ramp only has eastbound interstate access. To use I-80 westbound, take Exit 4.
Taken 06-20-2014
BL-80/UT-58 East at I-80 east onramp. This is the eastern end of the Wendover business loop.
Taken 06-20-2014
BL-80/UT-58 East at Frontage Road. Continue on BL-80/UT-58 for I-80 east to Bonneville Speedway and Salt Lake.
Taken 06-20-2014
BL-80/UT-58 East approaching I-80 in Wendover. For I-80 westbound, go east on I-80 to Exit 4.
Taken 06-20-2014
UT-56 west at UT-18 south in Beryl Junction.
Taken 05-21-2014
UT-56 West approaching UT-18 south to Enterprise and St. George. Continue west on UT-56 for Modena.
Taken 05-21-2014
Entering Beryl Junction on UT-56 west.
Taken 05-21-2014
Distance marker on UT-56 west. Distance to Newcastle, Beryl Junction, and Enterprise.
Taken 05-21-2014