US-20 West/WY-789 North Approaching US-16 in Worland.
Taken 07-03-2011
US-20/US-16 West/WY-789 North Approaching WY-433. The river in the background is the Big Horn River.
Taken 07-03-2011
US-20 West/WY-789 North at WY-172 in rural Hot Springs County. Turn right for WY-172 to Black Mountain Road.
Taken 07-03-2011
WY-789 north at US-26 in Riverton. Turn left for US-26 to Dubois, and Yellowstone/Grand Teton National Parks. Continue ahead for US-26 East/WY-789 North to Shoshoni. US-26 joins WY-789 north until Shoshoni.
Taken 07-02-2011
WY-789 North at WY-135/To WY-136. Use WY-135 east for WY-136, Gas Hills Road, and Castle Gardens.
Taken 07-02-2011
WY-789 north at WY-137/Ethete Road to St. Stephens Mission and North American Indian Hertiage Center.
Taken 07-02-2011
WY-789 north approaching WY-137.
Taken 07-02-2011
WY-789 North Approaching WY-135/To WY-136 - 1/2 mile.
Taken 07-02-2011
WY-789 north approaching WY-137 near Riverton.
Taken 07-02-2011
WY-789 North Approaching WY-138 between Lander and Riverton.
Taken 07-02-2011