Welcome To Colorado sign on US-85 South at the Wyoming State Line
Taken 05-01-2004
BL-25/US-85/Bus. US-87 Junction
Taken 05-01-2004
US-85 South/US-87 Business/To I-25
Taken 05-01-2004
WY-372/To WY-430 on BL-80 East
Taken 02-01-2004
I-80/US-189 1000 Feet Sign Approaching I-80 at Exit 2
Taken 02-01-2004
End WY-372 at BL-80
Taken 02-01-2004
I-80 East at Painter Road Exit
Taken 02-01-2004
I-80 East at Exit 102 - BL-80/Rock Springs. Next exit is College Drive which is unsigned. The exit after that is Exit 104 - US-191 North/Elk St. I-80/US-30 continues east towards Rawlins.
Taken 02-01-2004
I-80 East at US-191 North Junction
Taken 02-01-2004