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42nd Parallel North 1 | 45th Parallel 6


Adopt A Highway 16 | Alkali Lake 1 | Allison Pass 1 | Alsea River 1 | Anchorite Pass 1 | Antero Junction 1 | Apex Summit 1 | Appalachian Development Highway System 2 | Arkansas River 3


Bald Mountain Pass 2 | Banner Summit 1 | Bannock Pass 2 | Bear Valley Junction 1 | Benicia-Martinez Bridge 3 | Big Belt Mountains 1 | Big Dry Creek 1 | Big Green Sign 13867 | Big Muddy Creek 1 | Big Sioux River 2 | Big Smoky Valley 1 | Bitterroot River 1 | Blewett Pass 1 | Blue Box Summit 1 | Bly Mountain Pass 1 | Border Junction 3 | Border Summit 1 | Bridge 162 | Bridge of the Gods 2 | Bridger Valley Historic Byway 1 | Brockway Summit 1 | Burnt River 1 | Butte Creek Pass 1


California Trail 1 | Calvada Summit 1 | Canyon Creek Summit 1 | Cape Disappointment State Park 3 | Carquinez Bridge 3 | Carson Pass 1 | Cattle Guard 2 | Chattooga River 1 | Chicken Creek Summit 1 | Colorado River 9 | Columbia River 23 | Connors Pass 1 | Continental Divide 17 | Conway Summit 1 | Coquihalla Highway 18 | Corridor G 1 | Corridor Q 20 | County Boundary 385 | County Line 348 | Crazy Mountains 1 | Cummings Hill Summit 1


Dam 1 | Daniels Summit 1 | Deep Creek 1 | Deer Lodge Pass 1 | Deschutes River 1 | Detour 2 | Devils Tower National Monument 2 | Diagram 122 | Dinosaur Diamond Scenic Byway 3 | Distance Marker 1631 | Doherty Rim Summit 1 | Donner Summit 2 | Drinkwater Pass 1 | Drumm Summit 1 | Dry Cimarron River 1


Ebbetts Pass 1 | Echo Summit 3 | Electronic Sign 29 | Elevation 11 | Elk Park Pass 2 | Errant Shield 31 | Everett Turnpike 3


Ferry 24 | Fines Double 1 | Fingerboard 2 | Fish Creek Summit 1 | Flaming Gorge-Green River Basin Scenic Byway 1 | Four Corners 5 | Freeway Begin 1 | Freeway End 7 | Freeway Entrance 89 | Freeway Entrance 89 | Freeway Junction 6264 | Fremont Pass Summit 1


Georgetown Summit 1 | Going To The Sun Road 2 | Golconda Summit 1 | Gore 19 | Grasslands National Park 3 | Grid Road 1


H-D Summit 1 | Hayden Pass 1 | Heron Lake State Park 1 | High Plains Highway 3 | Historic District 1 | Historic Route 66 National Scenic Byway 3 | Historic US-66 3 | Historical Marker 2 | HOV 27


Independence Pass 2 | Indian Reservation Boundary 23 | Information 32 | Inspection Station 17 | Interchange 7361 | International Boundary 55 | International Boundary 104 | Intersection 6524 | Interstate Bridge 3 | Interstate Shield with State Name 418


Jack Wright Pass 1 | Jefferson River 1 | Jicarilla Apache Reservation 1 | John Day River 1 | Jordan Creek 1


Kettle River 1 | Keyes Creek Summit 1


Lages Junction 5 | Lake Coeur d'Alene 1 | Lake Pend Oreille 1 | Lake Powell 2 | Lake Valley Summit 2 | Land Grant Boundary 2 | Leaving 26 | Leeteville Junction 1 | Lewis and Clark Trail 4 | Little Antelope Summit 2 | Little Colorado River 1 | Little River 1 | Little Wood River 1 | Lolo Pass 1 | Lost River 1 | Loup Loup Pass 1 | Lund Junction 3 | Luther Pass 1


Maine Turnpike 6 | Majors Junction 5 | Malad River 1 | Malad Summit 1 | Malheur River 2 | Manastash Ridge 1 | Maple River 1 | Mason-Dixon Line 3 | MassPike 6 | McClure Pass 1 | McKenzie Pass 1 | McKinney Tanks Summit 1 | Medal of Honor Highway 1 | Merrimack River 1 | Mesa Verde National Park 2 | Metric 5 | Milemarker 319 | Military Boundary 1 | Milk River 1 | Mississippi River 2 | Missouri River 1 | Moapa Indian Reservation 1 | Molas Pass Summit 1 | Monida Pass 1 | Monitor Pass 3 | Montgomery Pass 1 | Mora River 1 | Mount Airy Summit 1 | Mount Rose Summit 1 | Mount Spokane State Park 1 | Mountain Springs Summit 1 | Moyie River 1 | Muddy Gap Junction 2 | Municipality Boundary 316 | Murry Summit 1 | Musselshell River 1


Named Bridge 11 | Named Highway 22 | Named Junction 11 | National Forest Boundary 8 | National Monument 1 | National Park Boundary 1 | Navajo Nation 1 | Needs Moved 10 | Nevada State Park 2 | New Jersey Turnpike 2 | New Pass Summit 2 | Next Services 41 | Nez Perce Trail 4 | North Fork John Day River 1 | North Spokane Corridor 11 | North Umtanum Ridge 1


Old Shield 24 | Old Sign 1 | Oregon Trail 5 | Other Boundary 10 | Other Shield 12 | Overhead 3188 | Owyhee River 3


Pahsimeroi River 2 | Paradise Summit 1 | Patagonia-Sonoita Scenic Road 1 | Paulson Summit 1 | Pavant Range 1 | Pavement Ends 1 | Pearl River 3 | Pecos River 1 | Pennsylvania Turnpike 31 | Pioneer Historic Byway 2 | Pony Springs 2 | Portneuf River 1 | Post Office 4 | Puget Island Ferry 7 | Purple Heart Trail 1 | Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation 2 | Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe 2


Raft River 1 | Raton Pass 2 | Raynolds Pass 2 | Red Coat Trail 1 | Reese River 1 | Reese River Valley 1 | Replaced Sign 1 | Rest Area 10 | Resurrection River 2 | Rio Grande 1 | Ritter Butte 1 | Road Construction 4 | Roundabout 74 | Routes Divide 7 | Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge 2


Sacajawea Historic Byway 1 | Sacramento Pass 1 | Sacramento River 1 | Sage Hen Hills Summit 1 | Sage Junction 1 | Salmon River 1 | Sams Gap 1 | San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge 2 | Sand Hollow State Park 1 | Sandy River 1 | Santa Fe Trail 1 | Santiam Pass 1 | Satus Pass 1 | Scenic Byway 216 | Sexton Mountain Summit 1 | Shield 4888 | Shield Different State 42 | Shield Inside Sign 5006 | Shield Text 146 | Silverzone Pass 1 | Simee Dimeh Summit 1 | Skalkaho Pass 1 | Ski Area 24 | Snake River 15 | Sonora Pass 1 | South Fork Indian Reservation 1 | South Fork John Day River 1 | South Pass 1 | South Pass City 1 | South Pass City State Historic Site 1 | Southern Parkway 7 | Speed Limit 258 | Spokane River 1 | Spooner Summit 1 | St George Beltway 1 | State Boundary 302 | State Capitol 3 | Stop 62 | Summit 141 | Sunday Summit 2 | Susitna River 1 | Sweetwater Junction 3 | Sweetwater Station 3


Targhee Pass 2 | Terminus 83 | Teton Pass 4 | TetonYellowstone 9 | The Dalles Dam 2 | Thomas Fork Creek 1 | Time Zone Boundary 29 | Tioga Pass 5 | Togwotee Pass 1 | Tollroad 20 | Traffic Light 1 | Traffic Signal 6 | Trout Creek Pass 1 | Truck Route 20 | Truckee River 2 | Tunnel 6 | Turnagain Pass 1 | Tuscarora Junction 2 | Tygh Ridge Summit 1


U.S. Bicycle Route System 1 | Umatilla River 2 | Unincorporated Boundary 86


Virgin River 1 | Virgin River Gorge 1


Walla Walla River 1 | Wapinita Pass 1 | Warm Springs Junction 5 | Warm Springs State Hospital 1 | Warm Springs Summit 1 | Warning 76 | Washington State Patrol 1 | Watershed Boundary 8 | Weigh Station 22 | Weiser River 1 | Welcome Sign 460 | Wheeler Peak 4 | White Horse Pass 1 | Wilkerson Pass 2 | Winter Closure 55 | Wooden Sign 13


Yellowhead Highway 16 | Yellowstone River 2 | Yosemite National Park 2