AK-1 North (Glenn HIghway) at AK-4 (Richardson Highway) in Glenallen. Use AK-4 south for Valdez; AK-4 North/AK-1 North for Fairbanks and Canada (via AK-2 - Alaska Highway).
Taken 07-22-2016
Glennallen Copper River Census Area Alaska United StatesDistance marker on AK-1 south. Distance to Glenallen, Palmer, and Anchorage.
Taken 07-22-2016
Glennallen Copper River Census Area Alaska United StatesAK-4 North (Richardson Highway) approaching AK-1 (Glenn Highway). AK-1 joins AK-4 northhbound to Gakona Junction. Use AK-1 south to Anchorage; use AK-1 North/AK-4 North to Tok Jct. and Fairbanks.
Taken 07-22-2016
Glennallen Copper River Census Area Alaska United StatesAK-4 north at Copper Center Jct. This is the south end of the loop into the community of Copper Center.
Taken 07-22-2016
Copper Center Copper River Census Area Alaska United StatesAK-4 North (Richardson Highway) at AK-10 East (Edgerton Highway) to Chitina.
Taken 07-22-2016
Copper Center Copper River Census Area Alaska United StatesAK-4 North (Richardson Highway) approaching AK-10 (Edgerton Highway).
Taken 07-22-2016
Copper Center Copper River Census Area Alaska United StatesDistance marker on AK-4 north (Richardson Highway). Distance to Copper Center and Glenallen.
Taken 07-22-2016
Copper Center Copper River Census Area Alaska United StatesAK-4 north (Richardson Highway) at Pump Station Number 12. This is a pump station for the Trans Alaska Pipeline.
Taken 07-22-2016
Copper Center Copper River Census Area Alaska United StatesEnd Portage Glacier Highway at the Whittier Ferry Terminal for the Alaska Marine Highway system.
Taken 07-20-2016
Whittier Chugach Alaska United StatesAK-1 north (Seward Highway) approaching Portage Glacier Rd./Whittier Jct.
Taken 07-20-2016
Anchorage Anchorage Municipality Alaska United StatesDistance marker and AK-1 shield along AK-1 (Seward Highway) north. Distance to Girdwood, Whittier (via Portage Glacier Highway), and Anchorage.
Taken 07-20-2016
Hope Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska United StatesDistance marker on AK-1 north. Distance to Girdwood, Whittier (via Portage Glacier Hwy) and Anchorage.
Taken 07-20-2016
Moose Pass Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska United StatesEnd AK-9 north at AK-1. Turn left for AK-1 south for the Sterling Highway south to Soldotna, City of Kenai, and Homer. Continue north on AK-1 for the Seward Highway north to Anchorage.
Taken 07-20-2016
Moose Pass Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska United StatesDistance marker on AK-9 (Seward Highway) north. Distance to Sterling Highway - 5 Miles.
Taken 07-20-2016
Moose Pass Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska United StatesEntering the community of Moose Pass on AK-9 North (Seward Highway).
Taken 07-20-2016
Moose Pass Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska United StatesResurrection River bridge on AK-9 north.
Taken 07-17-2016
Seward Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska United StatesSeward City Limits on AK-9 South (Seward Highway). Seward is the southern end of the Seward Highway, and is located on the Kenai Peninsula. It is also the southern end of the Alaska Railroad. Seward is named after Abraham Lincoln’s secretary of State - William H. Seward. Secretary Seward negotiated the sale of Alaska from Russia to the United States.
Taken 07-16-2016
Seward Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska United StatesAK-9 south (Seward Highway) crossing the Resurrection River. The Resurrection River flows into the ocean at Resurrection Bay just south of this bridge.
Taken 07-16-2016
Seward Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska United StatesAK-1 South at AK-9. Merge right to continue south on AK-1 as the Sterling Highway to Homer. Continue straight to continue south on the Seward Highway as AK-9.
Taken 07-16-2016
Moose Pass Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska United StatesAK-1 South (Seward Highway) approaching AK-9. Merge right to continue south on AK-1 as the Sterling Highway to Soldotna, City of Kenai, and Homer.
Taken 07-16-2016
Moose Pass Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska United StatesAK-1 South (Seward Highway) approaching AK-9 (Seward Highway). AK-1 traffic will merge right at this junction and becomes the Sterling Highway. AK-9 continues south as the Seward Highway.
Taken 07-16-2016
Moose Pass Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska United StatesAK-1 South at Hope Jct. Hope is 17 miles north of this junction. Continue south on AK-1 for Seward (via AK-9) and Homer (via AK-1 / Sterling Highway).
Taken 07-16-2016
Sunrise Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska United StatesAK-1 South (Seward Highway) approaching Hope Jct.
Taken 07-16-2016
Hope Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska United StatesAK-1 south (Seward Highway) at Turnagain Pass - Elevation 1015 Feet. Turnagain Pass is the highest point on the Seward Highway.
Taken 07-16-2016
Moose Pass Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska United StatesAK-1 South (Seward Highway) approaching Portage Glacier/Whittier junction. Access to Whittier via the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel, which shares rail traffic with automobile traffic.
Taken 07-16-2016
Anchorage Anchorage Municipality Alaska United States