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Signs Tagged With Big Green Sign

I-15 North - Exit 392
I-15 North - Exit 392

I-15 north approaching Exit 392 - UT-13 South/Plymouth.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-15 UT-13 Garland Box Elder County Utah United States
I-15 North - Exit 385
I-15 North - Exit 385

I-15 north approaching Exit 385 - UT-30 East/Riverside/Logan.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-15 UT-30 Garland Box Elder County Utah United States
I-15 North - Distance Marker
I-15 North - Distance Marker

Distance marker on I-15 north to Riverside, Malad, and Pocatello. This is the first distance marker north of the I-15/I-84 split.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-15 Garland Box Elder County Utah United States
I-15 North - Exit 381
I-15 North - Exit 381

I-15 north approaching Exit 381 - Tremonton/Garland.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-15 Tremonton Box Elder County Utah United States
I-84 East at UT-83
I-84 East at UT-83

I-84 Exit 26 offramp at UT-83 - south to ATK and Howell.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 UT-83 Howell Box Elder County Utah United States
UT-83 North At I-84
UT-83 North At I-84

End UT-83 north at I-84 - east to Tremonton, west to Snowville.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 UT-83 Howell Box Elder County Utah United States
I-84 East - Exit 7
I-84 East - Exit 7

I-84 east at Exit 7 - Snowville.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 Snowville Box Elder County Utah United States
I-84 East - Exit 263
I-84 East - Exit 263

I-84 east approaching Exit 263 - Juniper Road. This is the last exit in Idaho on I-84.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 Malta Oneida County Idaho United States
I-84 East - Exit 254
I-84 East - Exit 254

I-84 east approaching Exit 254 - Sweetzer Road.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 Malta Cassia County Idaho United States
I-84 East - Exit 245
I-84 East - Exit 245

I-84 east approaching Exit 245 - Sublett Road/Malta.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 Sublett Cassia County Idaho United States
I-84 East - Exit 237
I-84 East - Exit 237

I-84 east approaching Exit 237 - Idahome Road.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 Idahome Cassia County Idaho United States
I-84 East - Exit 228
I-84 East - Exit 228

I-84 east approaching Exit 228 - ID-81/Yale Road/Malta.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 ID-81 Declo Cassia County Idaho United States
I-84 East - Exit 216
I-84 East - Exit 216

I-84 east at Exit 216 - ID-25/ID-77/Declo/Albion. The ID-77 shield is missing from this sign, but is present in the advance signage, as well as on signs on the other direction.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 US-30 ID-25 ID-77 Rupert Minidoka County Idaho United States
I-84 East - Next Services via I-84 and I-86
I-84 East - Next Services via I-84 and I-86

I-84 east approaching Exit 216. This sign shows the next services on I-84 and I-86. The next gas along I-86 is 42 miles (American Falls).

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 I-86 US-30 Rupert Minidoka County Idaho United States
I-84 East - Exit 211
I-84 East - Exit 211

I-84 east at Exit 211 - US-30/ID-24/Rupert/Heyburn. This is one of the few overheads on Idaho highways outside of the metro. areas.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 US-30 ID-24 Rupert Minidoka County Idaho United States
ID-25 East at I-84/ID-25 East
ID-25 East at I-84/ID-25 East

ID-25 east at I-84 east (Exit 194) to Burley and Pocatello. ID-25 follows I-84 east 7 miles.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 ID-25 Hazelton Jerome County Idaho United States
ID-25 East at I-84 West
ID-25 East at I-84 West

ID-25 east at I-84 west (Exit 194) to Twin Falls. ID-25 continues east on I-84.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 ID-25 Hazelton Jerome County Idaho United States
ID-25 East at ID-50 to Kimberly
ID-25 East at ID-50 to Kimberly

ID-25 east to Eden and Hazelton, at ID-50 south to Kimberly.

Taken 02-17-2008

ID-25 ID-50 Eden Jerome County Idaho United States
ID-25 East at US-93
ID-25 East at US-93

ID-25 east approaching US-93 - south to Twin Falls, north to Shoshone.

Taken 02-17-2008

US-93 ID-25 Jerome Jerome County Idaho United States
Lincoln Ave. North at ID-25
Lincoln Ave. North at ID-25

Lincoln Ave. north (former ID-79) at ID-25 west to Wendell and Boise - east to Shoshone.

Taken 02-17-2008

ID-25 Jerome Jerome County Idaho United States
Lincoln Ave. North at I-84 West
Lincoln Ave. North at I-84 West

Lincoln Ave. north at I-84 west to Wendell and Boise. This is the southern terminus of former ID-79. ID-79 shield used to be to the right of the I-84 shield.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 Jerome Jerome County Idaho United States
I-84 East - Exit 168
I-84 East - Exit 168

I-84 east at Exit 168 - Jerome. This was formerly ID-79, but it was decommissioned in 2007.

Taken 02-17-2008

I-84 Jerome Jerome County Idaho United States
I-84 East - Exit 353
I-84 East - Exit 353

I-84 east at Exit 353 - Farewell Bend State Park.

Taken 01-22-2008

I-84 Huntington Malheur County Oregon United States
I-84 East - Entering Mountain Time Zone
I-84 East - Entering Mountain Time Zone

I-84 East - Entering Mountain Time.

Taken 01-22-2008

I-84 Huntington Baker County Oregon United States
I-84 East at Exit 345 Offramp - US-30 Jct.
I-84 East at Exit 345 Offramp - US-30 Jct.

I-84 East at Exit 345 Offramp at US-30 Jct. Turn left for US-30 east to Huntington and Lime.

Taken 01-22-2008

I-84 US-30 Huntington Baker County Oregon United States