Entering Bear Lake County on US-89 North.
Taken 09-25-2021
Fish Haven Bear Lake County Idaho United StatesWelcome to Idaho on US-89 North.
Taken 09-25-2021
Fish Haven Bear Lake County Idaho United StatesDistance marker on US-89 North. Distance to Montpelier (Idaho) and Jackson, WY. This is the last distance marker northbound on US-89 in Utah.
Taken 09-25-2021
Garden City Rich County Utah United StatesUT-30 west at US-89. Use US-89 north for Montpelier (ID), and Jackson (WY). Use US-89 south for Logan.
Taken 09-25-2021
Garden City Rich County Utah United StatesUT-30 west approaching UT-16. Use UT-16 south for Randolph, Woodruff, and Evanston (Wyoming).
Taken 09-25-2021
Randolph Rich County Utah United StatesUT-30 west approaching UT-16. Use UT-30 west for Laketown, Garden City, and Logan.
Taken 09-25-2021
Randolph Rich County Utah United StatesUT-30 west at Sage Creek Junction. This is the name for the UT-30/UT-16 junction.
Taken 09-25-2021
Randolph Rich County Utah United StatesWY-89 north at US-30. Use US-30 east for Kemmerer and Fossil Butte National Monument. Use US-30 West/WY-89 North for Cokeville. WY-89 North joins US-30 West to Border Junction.
Taken 09-25-2021
Kemmerer Lincoln County Wyoming United StatesUS-30 west approaching WY-89.
Taken 09-25-2021
Kemmerer Lincoln County Wyoming United StatesUS-30 West at (Kemmerer) Bypass US-30. Use Bypass US-30 East for Rock Springs; use US-30 West for Cokeville.
Taken 09-25-2021
Kemmerer Lincoln County Wyoming United StatesUS-30 West/US-189 North at US-189/US-30 split in Kemmerer. Use US-189 North for Big Piney; use US-30 West for Sage Junction and Fossil Butte National Monument.
Taken 09-25-2021
Kemmerer Lincoln County Wyoming United StatesUS-189 North at US-30 East to Rock Springs. Continue north on US-189/US-30 West for Kemmerer and Diamondville. US-189 North joins US-30 West to the city center of Kemmerer.
Taken 09-25-2021
Kemmerer Lincoln County Wyoming United StatesEnd WY-412 North at US-189 in Lincoln County. Use US-189 North to Kemmerer; US-189 South to Evanston.
Taken 09-25-2021
Kemmerer Lincoln County Wyoming United StatesEntering Lincoln County on WY-412 north.
Taken 09-25-2021
Kemmerer Lincoln County Wyoming United StatesEnd WY-414 North at WY-412 and I-80 West. Use I-80 West for Evanston; continue north on WY-412 for Carter.
Taken 09-25-2021
Lyman Uinta County Wyoming United StatesEnd WY-414 North at I-80/WY-414. Use I-80 West for Evanston; I-80 East for Green River. Continue north for WY-412.
Taken 09-25-2021
Lyman Uinta County Wyoming United StatesWY-414 North approaching I-80 in Uinta County.
Taken 09-25-2021
Lyman Uinta County Wyoming United StatesEntering Urie - Elevation 6786 on WY-414 North.
Taken 09-25-2021
Lyman Uinta County Wyoming United StatesWY-414 north at WY-410 to Robertson and (Mountain View) Downtown Business District. Continue north on WY-414 for Urie.
Taken 09-25-2021
Mountain View Uinta County Wyoming United StatesUinta County on WY-414 North.
Taken 09-25-2021
Lonetree Uinta County Wyoming United StatesEntering Burntfork on WY-414 north.
Taken 09-25-2021
McKinnon Sweetwater County Wyoming United StatesWY-414 North at McKinnon Road. Turn right for Green River; left for Spirit Lake. Continue north on WY-414 for Mountain View.
Taken 09-25-2021
McKinnon Sweetwater County Wyoming United StatesWelcome To Wyoming on WY-414 North. Taken at the Utah-Wyoming Line.
Taken 09-25-2021
McKinnon Sweetwater County Wyoming United StatesDistance marker on UT-43 west. Distance to Mountain View (WY), Evanston (WY), and Salt Lake City. Access to Salt Lake City via UT-43 west involves cutting through the southwest corner of Wyoming.
Taken 09-25-2021
Manila Daggett County Utah United StatesUT-43 west at UT-44 in Manila. Use UT-43 west for Mountain View (Wyoming). Use UT-44 South for Vernal and Flaming Gorge Dam.
Taken 09-25-2021
Manila Daggett County Utah United States