I-84 east at Snake River, Cassia County line
Taken 01-14-2006
LaPlata County Line and Distance Marker on CO-172 north at the NM-CO line.
Taken 05-01-2005
US-95 South/ID-19 West - Entering Owyhee County / Snake River.
Taken 02-01-2005
Welcome To Pennsylvania, Franklin County, Washington Township on PA-316 North at the Maryland border.
Taken 10-01-2004
US-93 North Entering Lemhi County at the Pahsimeroi River
Taken 09-01-2004
Entering Keith County on I-80 East
Taken 05-01-2004
Garfield County on MT-200 West, Garfield-McCone County Line.
Taken 07-01-2003
McCone County and Distance Marker To Sidney on MT-200 East
Taken 07-01-2003
Cache County, on US-91 South. This is taken at the Idaho/Utah line. Cache County is the first marker on the state line. If you look in the background of the photo you can see the official welcome sign.
Taken 08-01-2000
Entering Kootenai County on ID-3 North
Taken 09-01-1998