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Signs Tagged With State Boundary

US-12 East - Welcome To Montana
US-12 East - Welcome To Montana

Welcome To Montana on US-12 east at Lolo Pass. Motorcycle Advisory - Use Caution Next 32 Miles.

Taken 11-30-2024

Lolo Hot Springs Missoula County Montana United States
US-12 East - Welcome To Montana
US-12 East - Welcome To Montana

Welcome To Montana on US-12 east at Lolo Pass.

Taken 11-30-2024

Lolo Hot Springs Missoula County Montana United States
OR-201 North - Welcome To Oregon
OR-201 North - Welcome To Oregon

Welcome to Oregon on OR-201 North. Taken at the Idaho/Oregon state line.

Taken 10-19-2024

Adrian Malheur County Oregon United States
US-101 South - Entering Oregon
US-101 South - Entering Oregon

Entering Oregon on US-101 south, crossing the Columbia River.

Taken 09-23-2024

Astoria Clatsop County Oregon United States
I-205 South - Welcome To Oregon
I-205 South - Welcome To Oregon

Welcome to Oregon on I-205 south. The welcome sign is in the middle of the Exit 24 interchange, on the south side of the Columbia River bridge. There is a sign on the Columbia River bridge marking the actual state line between Oregon and Washington.

Taken 08-09-2024

Portland Multnomah County Oregon United States
Hood River Bridge - Welcome To Washington
Hood River Bridge - Welcome To Washington

Welcome To Washington on Hood River Bridge northbound.

Taken 08-08-2024

White Salmon Klickitat County Washington United States
US-30 East - Welcome To Pennsylvania
US-30 East - Welcome To Pennsylvania

Welcome To Pennsylvania / Entering Beaver County on US-30 East. Taken at the West Virginia/Pennsylvania State Line.

Taken 04-01-2024

Georgetown Beaver County Pennsylvania United States
I-70 West - Exit 225 / Welcome To Ohio
I-70 West - Exit 225 / Welcome To Ohio

I-70 west at Exit 225 - OH-7/Bridgeport. Welcome To Ohio - The Heart of It All.

Taken 04-01-2024

Bridgeport Belmont County Ohio United States
Welcome To Ohio on New Martinsville Bridge
Welcome To Ohio on New Martinsville Bridge

Welcome To Ohio on New Martinsville Bridge approaching OH-7

Taken 04-01-2024

Sardis Monroe County Ohio United States
US-52/US-119 North - Pike County Kentucky
US-52/US-119 North - Pike County Kentucky

US-52/US-119 North - Pike County Kentucky. Approaching KY-292.

Taken 03-31-2024

Belfry Pike County Kentucky United States
US-119/US-52 - Entering Mingo County West Virginia
US-119/US-52 - Entering Mingo County West Virginia

Entering Mingo County West Virginia on US-119/US-52 north. At the Kentucky/West Virginia State Line crossing the Tug Fork.

Taken 03-31-2024

Williamson Mingo County West Virginia United States
US-119/US-52 North - Welcome To West Virginia
US-119/US-52 North - Welcome To West Virginia

Welcome To West Virginia/Wild and Wonderful on US-119/US-52 North. Entering Mingo County.

Taken 03-31-2024

Williamson Mingo County West Virginia United States
KY-3174 West - Welcome To Kentucky
KY-3174 West - Welcome To Kentucky

Welcome To Kentucky on KY-3174 West. Taken at the Virginia/Kentucky State Line.

Taken 03-31-2024

Elkhorn City Pike County Kentucky United States
VA-80 East - Welcome To Virginia
VA-80 East - Welcome To Virginia

Welcome To Virginia - Virginia Is For Lovers on VA-80 East. Taken at the Kentucky/Virginia State Line.

Taken 03-31-2024

Breaks Buchanan County Virginia United States
KY-160 West - Welcome To Kentucky
KY-160 West - Welcome To Kentucky

Welcome to Kentucky - Unbridled Spirit on KY-160 West. At the Virginia/Kentucky State Line.

Taken 03-31-2024

Partridge Harlan County Kentucky United States
KY-160 West - Harlan County / Black Mountain
KY-160 West - Harlan County / Black Mountain

KY-160 West at the Kentucky/Virginia State Line. Black Mountain Elevation 4,145 Feet - Highest Point in Kentucky. Entering Harlan County. The actual high point is about 1.5 miles to the south via a trail.

Taken 03-31-2024

Lynch Harlan County Kentucky United States
VA-160 East - Welcome To Virginia
VA-160 East - Welcome To Virginia

Welcome To Virginia - Virginia Is For Lovers on VA-160 East. Taken at the Kentucky/Virginia State Line.

Taken 03-31-2024

Appalachia Wise County Virginia United States
NC-194 South - North Carolina State Line
NC-194 South - North Carolina State Line

North Carolina State Line on NC-194 South. Taken at the North Carolina/Virginia State Line.

Taken 03-31-2024

Grassy Creek Ashe County North Carolina United States
US-460 West - Entering West Virginia
US-460 West - Entering West Virginia

Welcome To West Virginia - Wild and Wonderful on US-460 West. Taken at the Virginia/West Virginia State Line.

Taken 03-30-2024

Princeton Mercer County West Virginia United States
US-219 South - Welcome To Virginia
US-219 South - Welcome To Virginia

Welcome to Virginia - Virginia Is For Lovers on US-219 South. Taken at the Virginia/West Virginia State Line.

Taken 03-30-2024

Rich Creek Giles County Virginia United States
WV-84 West - Welcome To Wild, Wonderful West Virginia
WV-84 West - Welcome To Wild, Wonderful West Virginia

Welcome To Wild, Wonderful West Virginia on WV-84 west.

Taken 03-30-2024

Marlinton Pocahontas County West Virginia United States
US-220 South - Virginia
US-220 South - Virginia

Entering Virginia on US-220 South. Taken at the Virginia/West Virginia State Line.

Taken 03-30-2024

Monterey Highland County Virginia United States
US-219 South - Welcome To West Virginia
US-219 South - Welcome To West Virginia

Welcome To West Virginia - Wild and Wonderful. Jim Justice, Governor. On US-219 south at the Maryland/West Virginia state line.

Taken 03-29-2024

Eglon Preston County West Virginia United States
MD-669 South - Maryland Welcomes You
MD-669 South - Maryland Welcomes You

Maryland Welcomes You on MD-669 South. At the Maryland/Pennsylvania state line. This boundary is the Mason-Dixon Line.

Taken 03-29-2024

Grantsville Garrett County Maryland United States
UT-59 West - Welcome To Utah
UT-59 West - Welcome To Utah

Welcome To Utah on UT-59 West in Hildale.

Taken 09-08-2023

Hurricane Washington County Utah United States