End AZ-66 west at I-40/US-93 jct. Use I-40 West/US-93 North for Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Use I-40 East/US-93 South for Phoenix and Flagstaff. Continue straight for Andy Devine Avenue and Historic Loop US-66.
Taken 02-25-2011
For Historic US-66 to Peach Springs use Exit 53. The Arizona Scenic Byway symbol is on the top left of this sign. Historic US-66 through Arizona between Topock and Ash Fork is called the Historic Route 66 National Scenic Byway.
Taken 02-25-2011
BL-40 east/AZ-77 north in Holbrook. BL-40 in Holbrook follows the historic route of US-66 and is signed as an Arizona Scenic Byway.
Taken 02-24-2011