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Signs Tagged With Milemarker

I-15 South - Welcome To Nevada
I-15 South - Welcome To Nevada

Welcome To Nevada on I-15 south. Taken at the Nevada-Arizona State Line. The green Nevada State Line sign in the foreground was placed by the Arizona DOT.

Taken 10-09-2011

I-15 Mesquite Clark County Nevada United States
US-84 South/US-64 East At Split
US-84 South/US-64 East At Split

US-84 South/US-64 East at Split. US-64 turns east here towards Taos. Northbound US-64 joins US-84 to west of Chama.

Taken 10-02-2011

US-64 US-84 Los Ojos Rio Arriba County New Mexico United States
US-160 East Approaching US-550
US-160 East Approaching US-550

US-160 East approaching US-550. Turn right for US-160 East/US-550 South; left for Historic Downtown Durango.

Taken 10-02-2011

US-160 US-550 Durango La Plata County Colorado United States
I-70 East - Exit 160
I-70 East - Exit 160

I-70 east at Exit 160 - BL-70/UT-19/Green River.

Taken 10-01-2011

I-70 US-6 US-50 US-191 UT-19 BL-70 (Green River) Green River Emery County Utah United States
US-6 East/US-191 South at UT-123
US-6 East/US-191 South at UT-123

US-6 East/US-191 South at UT-123 in Carbon County.

Taken 10-01-2011

US-6 US-191 UT-123 Price Carbon County Utah United States
US-6 East/US-191 South near Helper
US-6 East/US-191 South near Helper

US-6 East/US-191 South near Helper. The sign beneath the shield designates this stretch of highway as a segment of Dinosaur Diamond Byway - part of America’s Byway System.

Taken 10-01-2011

US-6 US-191 Helper Carbon County Utah United States
I-25 South - Exits 188A and 187
I-25 South - Exits 188A and 187

I-25 south at Exit 188A - BL-25/BL-87/Center St. Approaching Exit 187 - McKinley St. Exit 187 is signed as I-25 and US-87 south, but this is an error. Neither highway exit at McKinley St.

Taken 07-04-2011

I-25 US-20 US-26 US-87 BL-25 (Casper) Business US-87 (Casper) Casper Natrona County Wyoming United States
US-85 North Approaching SD-34
US-85 North Approaching SD-34

US-85 North approaching SD-34. Mile marker 54 is posted to the bottom of the marker.

Taken 07-03-2011

US-85 SD-34 Belle Fourche Butte County South Dakota United States
I-90 East - Welcome To South Dakota
I-90 East - Welcome To South Dakota

Welcome to South Dakota on I-90 east. Milemarkers for both Wyoming and South Dakota.

Taken 07-03-2011

I-90 US-14 North Spearfish Lawrence County South Dakota United States
I-90 East - Distance Marker
I-90 East - Distance Marker

Distance marker on I-90/US-14/US-16 east in Campbell County, Wyoming. Distance to Moorcroft, Sundance, and Newcastle (via US-16).

Taken 07-03-2011

I-90 US-14 US-16 Rozet Campbell County Wyoming United States
I-90 East - Exit 128
I-90 East - Exit 128

I-90 east at Exit 128 - Port of Entry. This is the east end of the Gillette business loop.

Taken 07-03-2011

I-90 US-14 US-16 WY-51 BL-90 (Gillette) Gillette Campbell County Wyoming United States
ID-33 East - WY-22 Closure Information
ID-33 East - WY-22 Closure Information

Teton Pass road closure information on ID-33 east approaching the Wyoming state line. When Teton Pass is closed in Wyoming, this is where the road closure starts, just inside of Idaho. All traffic must return to Victor Idaho when the road closure lights are flashing. This is one of the few instances in Idaho of a state highway shield from another state located inside Idaho.

Taken 07-02-2011

WY-22 ID-33 Victor Teton County Idaho United States
I-40 East - Exit 348
I-40 East - Exit 348

I-40 east at Exit 348 - Houck.

Taken 02-24-2011

I-40 Houck Apache County Arizona United States
I-40 East - Exit 292
I-40 East - Exit 292

I-40 east at Exit 292 - AZ-77 North/Keams Canyon. AZ-77 north leaves I-40 here, and heads north onto the Hopi Indian Reservation.

Taken 02-24-2011

I-40 AZ-77 Holbrook Navajo County Arizona United States
AZ-87 North Approaching AZ-260
AZ-87 North Approaching AZ-260

AZ-87 north approaching AZ-260 at Milemarker 252.

Taken 02-24-2011

AZ-87 AZ-260 Payson Gila County Arizona United States
I-5 South - Exit 736
I-5 South - Exit 736

I-5 south at Exit 736 - CA-89/Lassen National Park/McCloud. This is the northern end of CA-89, which runs generally along the east side of the Sierra Nevada.

Taken 09-25-2010

I-5 CA-89 Mount Shasta Siskiyou County California United States
Moffat County 10N - Wyoming-Colorado State Line
Moffat County 10N - Wyoming-Colorado State Line

Moffat County 10N at the Wyoming-Colorado State Line. The mile marker below the highway shield is a standard Wyoming mile marker, and is for WY-430.

Taken 08-01-2010

CH-10N (Moffat County) Sweetwater County Wyoming United States
Utah State Line on CR-1364
Utah State Line on CR-1364

Utah State Line on CR-1364 (Browns Park Road) at the Wyoming-Utah Border. There is a cattle guard marking the state line.

Taken 08-01-2010

CH-1364 (Daggett County) Dutch John Daggett County Utah United States
I-80 East - Exit 6
I-80 East - Exit 6

I-80 east at Exit 6 - Bear River Drive. This is the eastern end of the Evanston business loop. Access to the Evanston Rest Area, Wyoming Welcome Center, and Bear River State Park.

Taken 07-31-2010

I-80 US-189 BL-80 (Evanston) Business US-189 (Evanston) Evanston Uinta County Wyoming United States
I-80 East - Exit 5
I-80 East - Exit 5

I-80 east at Exit 5 - WY-89 North/WY-150/Front St.

Taken 07-31-2010

I-80 US-189 WY-89 WY-150 Evanston Uinta County Wyoming United States
I-80 East - Exit 3
I-80 East - Exit 3

I-80 East/US-189 North at Exit 3 - BL-80/Bus. US-189/To WY-89/Harrison Drive. Continue on I-80 East/US-189 North for Rock Springs.

Taken 07-31-2010

I-80 US-189 WY-89 BL-80 (Evanston) Business US-189 (Evanston) Evanston Uinta County Wyoming United States
I-80 East - Utah State Line
I-80 East - Utah State Line

Utah State Line on I-80 east at the Utah-Nevada border. A fancier welcome sign is just east of here. The Utah-Nevada border along I-80 is home to the twin towns of Wendover (Utah) and West Wendover (Nevada). The Nevada side has many large casinos.

Taken 07-31-2010

I-80 Wendover Tooele County Utah United States
Welcome To Montana - I-15 North
Welcome To Montana - I-15 North

Welcome to Montana on I-15 North at the Idaho-Montana state line on Monida Pass. Monida Pass is the Continental Divide.

Taken 05-02-2010

I-15 Humphrey Clark County Idaho United States
ID-61 North - Welcome To Idaho
ID-61 North - Welcome To Idaho

Welcome to Idaho on ID-61 north. The Wyoming milemarker for WY-89 is attached to the sign.

Taken 05-01-2010

ID-61 Geneva Bear Lake County Idaho United States
US-91 North - Historic Byway Information
US-91 North - Historic Byway Information

Pioneer Historic Byway information on US-91 north approaching the Idaho State line. Pioneer Historic Byway is within the state of Idaho.

Taken 05-01-2010

US-91 Cove Cache County Utah United States