NE-71 north at I-80.
Taken 05-27-2007
NE-71 south at NE-4ASpur west to Harrisburg.
Taken 05-27-2007
NE-71 South/NE-88 East at NE-88.
Taken 05-27-2007
NE-88 east at NE-71.
Taken 05-27-2007
End CR-213 south at NE-88.
Taken 05-27-2007
Begin WY-151 west at the Wyoming-Nebraska border.
Taken 05-27-2007
End WY-151 west at US-85.
Taken 05-27-2007
WY-216 east, just east of US-85.
Taken 05-27-2007
WY-216 east, just east of US-85.
Taken 05-27-2007
US-85 south at CO-392.
Taken 05-26-2007
US-85 south approaching CO-392.
Taken 05-26-2007
Buckeye Road east at I-25 freeway entrance.
Taken 05-26-2007
US-34 west at US-287 north.
Taken 05-26-2007
US-34 east approaching US-287.
Taken 05-26-2007
US-40 east at CO-125 north.
Taken 05-25-2007
US-40 east at CO-9 south.
Taken 05-25-2007
US-40 east at CO-134.
Taken 05-25-2007
US-40 east at CO-14 east on Muddy Pass.
Taken 05-25-2007
US-40 east at CO-13 north.
Taken 05-24-2007
US-40 east to Steamboat Springs at CO-13 north to Baggs, Wyo.
Taken 05-24-2007
US-40 East/To CO-394/CO-13 north on the one-way couplet in Craig.
Taken 05-24-2007
US-40 East/To CO-394/CO-13 north on the one-way couplet in Craig.
Taken 05-24-2007
US-40 east at CO-394 south.
Taken 05-24-2007
US-40 east at CO-394 south.
Taken 05-24-2007
US-40 East/CO-13 north.
Taken 05-24-2007