Stewart Hill - Elevation 1263 Feet on US-30 East.
Taken 04-01-2024
KY-160 West at the Kentucky/Virginia State Line. Black Mountain Elevation 4,145 Feet - Highest Point in Kentucky. Entering Harlan County. The actual high point is about 1.5 miles to the south via a trail.
Taken 03-31-2024
Summit - Elevation 6570 Feet on UT-130 North.
Taken 09-09-2023
Paulson Summit - Elevation 1535m. Paulson Summit, also called Bonanza Pass is in the Monashee Mountains.
Taken 07-24-2023
I-15 north at Elk Park Pass (Continental Divide). Elevation 6368 Feet. This is also the county boundary between Silver Bow and Jefferson County. Water north of this point flows into the Gulf of Mexico.
Taken 05-11-2023
I-15 North - Continental Divide - Elevation 5879. Waters north of this point flow into the Pacific Ocean, via the Columbia River.
Taken 05-11-2023
Pahroc Summit - Elevation 4961 Feet on US-93 South.
Taken 04-01-2023
Oak Spring Summit - Elevation 6237 Feet on US-93 south.
Taken 04-01-2023
Lake Valley Summit - Elevation 6,140 Feet on US-93 south.
Taken 03-31-2023
US-50 east at Little Antelope Summit - Elevation 7,438 Feet. Little Antelope Summit is in the Pine Range.
Taken 03-31-2023
CO-91 North - Fremont Pass Summit - 4 Miles in Lake County.
Taken 07-10-2022
US-24 East - Tennessee Pass Summit - 5 Miles.
Taken 07-09-2022
Togwotee Pass on US-26 West/US-287 North. Elevation 9544 Feet. Togwotee Pass is on the Continental Divide.
Taken 05-03-2022
US-50 East at Mount Airy Summit - Elevation 6679 Feet. Mount Airy Summit is a pass in the Shoshone Mountains.
Taken 01-15-2022
Lander County Line on US-50 west at New Pass Summit.
Taken 01-15-2022
Calvada Summit - Elevation 6296 Feet on NV-361 North. Calvada Summit is in the Gabbs Valley Range.
Taken 01-15-2022
Lida Summit - Elevation 7400 Feet on NV-266 West. Lida Summit is located in the Palmetto Mountains.
Taken 01-15-2022
Lida Summit - Elevation 7400 Feet on NV-266 West. Lida Summit is located in the Palmetto Mountains.
Taken 01-15-2022
MT-38 East shield on Skalkaho Pass in the Sapphire Mountains.
Taken 07-02-2021
Entering Summit County on I-80 East at Parleys Summit - 7120 Feet. This is the highest point along I-80 in the state of Utah.
Taken 12-30-2020
Entering Daggett County on US-191 North. Summit at Elevation 8428 Feet. Daggett County is the least populated county in Utah
Taken 10-03-2020
US-191 North - Elevation 9114 Feet. This is the summit of the divide between the Price River basin and the Duchesne River basin.
Taken 10-03-2020
WY-28 East - Continental Divide (South Pass) - Elevation 7550 Feet.
Taken 08-13-2020
US-30 east at Border Summit - Elevation 6358 Feet.
Taken 08-13-2020
I-15 south at Apex Summit - Elevation 2492 Feet.
Taken 11-26-2019