I-82 East at Manastash Ridge - Elevation 2672 Feet.
Taken 04-30-2018
US-97 South at Blewett Pass - Elevation 4102 Feet. Entering Kittitas County. Blewett Pass is at the summit of the Wenatchee Mountains.
Taken 04-30-2018
US-6/US-50 West/US-93 North at Connors Pass - Elevation 7722 Feet. Connors Pass is a summit in the Schell Creek Range.
Taken 02-13-2018
Sacramento Pass on US-6/US-50 West - Elevation 7154 Feet. Sacramento Pass is a summit in the Snake Range.
Taken 02-13-2018
OR-140 west at Bly Mountain Pass. Elevation 5085 Feet.
Taken 11-19-2017
Drinkwater Pass - Elevation 4212 Feet on US-20 West.
Taken 11-19-2017
Summit on OR-207 north - Elevation 4612 Feet.
Taken 09-09-2017
US-395 South - Summit Ritter Butte - Elevation 3993 Feet.
Taken 09-09-2017
OR-19 South - Butte Creek Pass - Elevation 3788 Feet.
Taken 07-15-2017
Cummings Hill Summit on OR-19 south - Elevation 3,310 Feet.
Taken 07-15-2017
Sunday Summit - Elevation 1282m on BC-3 east. Sunday Summit is a mountain pass in the Cascade Range.
Taken 04-29-2017
BC-3 east at Allison Pass Summit - Elevation 1,342m.
Taken 04-29-2017
BC-3 East shield at the top of Sunday Summit.
Taken 04-29-2017
Summit Elevation 7180 Feet on I-70 west. This is the summit of the Pavant Range.
Taken 03-31-2017
Summit - Elevation 7600 Feet on UT-12 west in the Dixie National Forest.
Taken 03-31-2017
Daniels Summit - Elevation 8020 Feet on US-40 west.
Taken 10-09-2016
US-24 East at Wilkerson Pass Summit - Elevation 9507 Feet.
Taken 10-07-2016
US-24 East begin climb of Wilkerson Pass. Wilkerson Pass Summit - 2 Miles.
Taken 10-07-2016
Entering Park County on US-24 East/US-285 North at Trout Creek Pass - 9,487 Feet.
Taken 10-07-2016
Independence Pass on CO-82 east. Independence Pass is 12,095 Feet and on the Continental Divide. Independence Pass is one of the highest mountain passes in Colorado on the state highway system. The only higher pass on the state highway system is US-34 in Rocky Mountain National Park. Independence Pass divides the Arkansas River watershed which flows into the Gulf of Mexico; and the Roaring Fork River which flows into the Colorado River and the Gulf of California.
Taken 10-07-2016
CO-82 East - CO-133/McClure Pass Status. McClure Pass is located on CO-133 between Redstone and Paonia.
Taken 10-07-2016
Independence Pass Status on CO-82 east leaving Glenwood Springs. Typically Independence Pass, just east of Aspen closes between November and May. Independence Pass is one of the highest highway passes in Colorado.
Taken 10-07-2016
Spooner Summit on US-50 east - Elevation 7146 Feet. Spooner Summit is a pass through the Carson Range.
Taken 08-15-2016
US-50 each at Echo Summit -Elevation 7382 Feet. This is the summit of the Sierra Nevada on US-50 and the divide between the American River drainage and Lake Tahoe, which drains to the Truckee River.
Taken 08-15-2016
US-50 west at Echo Summit -Elevation 7382 Feet. This is the summit of the Sierra Nevada on US-50 and the divide between the American River drainage and Lake Tahoe, which drains to the Truckee River.
Taken 08-12-2016