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Signs Tagged With Warning

Merge Left For US-6 East
Merge Left For US-6 East

Merge left for US-6 east on US-6 East/US-191 South in Helper. The right lane becomes an exit only lane for Exit 232.

Taken 10-01-2011

US-6 US-191 Helper Carbon County Utah United States
I-15 South Approaching Legacy Parkawy
I-15 South Approaching Legacy Parkawy

I-15 south approaching Legacy Parkway. Trucks with more than 5 axles or greater than 80,000 pounds are prohibited for using Legacy Parkway.

Taken 10-01-2011

I-15 UT-67 Kaysville Davis County Utah United States
End CA-62 Approaching I-10
End CA-62 Approaching I-10

Approaching the west end of CA-62 at I-10. Use right lanes for I-10 east for Indio and Palm Springs.

Taken 02-25-2011

I-10 CA-62 Whitewater Riverside County California United States
AZ-180A West - Winter Driving Warning
AZ-180A West - Winter Driving Warning

Warning on AZ-180A that the highway is not plowed nights or on weekends during storms.

Taken 02-24-2011

AZ-180A Concho Apache County Arizona United States
I-84 East - Blowing Dust Area
I-84 East - Blowing Dust Area

Blowing Dust Area next 40 miles on I-84 east. This area is roughly between Boardman and Pendleton.

Taken 01-19-2011

I-84 US-30 Boardman Morrow County Oregon United States
CA-20 East at I-5 North
CA-20 East at I-5 North

CA-20 east at I-5 north to Redding.

Taken 09-25-2009

I-5 CA-20 Williams Colusa County California United States
CA-20 East Traffic Must Stop Ahead
CA-20 East Traffic Must Stop Ahead

CA-20 East approaching CA-53 south. This intersection is controlled by a stop sign on CA-20.

Taken 09-25-2009

CA-20 CA-53 Clearlake Oaks Lake County California United States
Cascades Closure Information
Cascades Closure Information

Road closure information for OR-230, OR-138, and Crater Lake in the Oregon Cascades. Closures are listed in a simple route diagram.

Taken 09-20-2009

OR-138 Chemult Klamath County Oregon United States
I-19 at Crawford St. - Border Crossing Station
I-19 at Crawford St. - Border Crossing Station

I-19 at Crawford St. Turn left on Crawford St. for the Border Crossing Station. There is a bilingual warning about bringing firearms and ammunition into Mexico.

Taken 03-22-2009

I-19 Nogales Santa Cruz County Arizona United States
I-19 South - Weapons Illegal In Mexico
I-19 South - Weapons Illegal In Mexico

Bilingual warning about prohibition of weapons and ammunition in Mexico on I-19 south. There is another warning further south on I-19.

Taken 03-22-2009

I-19 Nogales Santa Cruz County Arizona United States
I-5 North Exit 307 Onramp - Drawbridge
I-5 North Exit 307 Onramp - Drawbridge

Exit 307 onramp onto I-5 north. Warning sign for drawbridge on I-5 north over the Columbia River.

Taken 07-24-2008

I-5 Portland Multnomah County Oregon United States
US-95 South - Trucker Warning on White Bird Hill
US-95 South - Trucker Warning on White Bird Hill

Trucker warning on US-95 south at the top of White Bird Hill. White Bird Grade is a 8 mile grade with steepness up to 7%.

Taken 12-26-2007

US-95 Grangeville Idaho County Idaho United States
US-95 South at US-12
US-95 South at US-12

US-95 south at US-12 at the bottom of the Lewiston Hill. The welcome to Lewiston sign is right above the speed limit sign on the left side of the photo. Lewiston is the lowest city in Idaho - 738 feet. There are Runaway Truck Ramps on either side of the photo.

Taken 12-26-2007

US-12 US-95 Lewiston Nez Perce County Idaho United States
US-95 South - Lewiston Hill Trucker Warning
US-95 South - Lewiston Hill Trucker Warning

Trucker information on US-95 south at the top of Lewiston Hill. Lewiston Hill goes from 2,756 feet at the summit to 738 feet in Lewiston in about 6 miles.

Taken 12-26-2007

US-95 Genesee Nez Perce County Idaho United States
I-80 East - Bridges May Be Icy When Pavement Is Dry
I-80 East - Bridges May Be Icy When Pavement Is Dry

I-80 east approaching Humboldt River. Bridges May Be Icy When Pavement Is Dry.

Taken 11-24-2007

I-80 Rixies Eureka County Nevada United States
I-80 East Exit 112 - Prison Area
I-80 East Exit 112 - Prison Area

I-80 east approaching Exit 112. Prison Area - No Hitchhiking. Near Lovelock Prison.

Taken 11-24-2007

I-80 US-95 Woolsey Pershing County Nevada United States
No Access To I-80 East on NV-856
No Access To I-80 East on NV-856

No access to I-80 west on NV-856/BL-80 east.

Taken 11-24-2007

NV-856 Lovelock Pershing County Nevada United States
US-40 East - Berthoud Pass Skiers Warning
US-40 East - Berthoud Pass Skiers Warning

US-40 at Berthoud Pass. Backcountry skiers warning.

Taken 05-25-2007

US-40 Grand County Colorado United States
US-40 - Berthoud Pass Backcountry Ski Information
US-40 - Berthoud Pass Backcountry Ski Information

US-40 at Berthoud Pass. Backcountry ski warning. Avalanche blasting at any time using long range weaponry.

Taken 05-25-2007

US-40 Winter Park Grand County Colorado United States
US-101 North Exit 726A
US-101 North Exit 726A

US-101 north at Exit 726A, Westhaven Drive.

Taken 10-01-2006

US-101 Trinidad Humboldt County California United States
NV-8A East - Travel At Your Own Risk
NV-8A East - Travel At Your Own Risk

NV-8A east, just east of NV-34. Sign warns to travel at own risk.

Taken 10-01-2006

NV-8A Vya Washoe County Nevada United States
I-8 West Exit 166
I-8 West Exit 166

I-8 west approaching Exit 166, CA-186/Algodones Road/Andrade. Border crossing with Mexico closed 10p - 6a.

Taken 03-01-2006

I-8 CA-186 Winterhaven Imperial County California United States
I-8 West Exit 125 - Border Crossing Hours
I-8 West Exit 125 - Border Crossing Hours

I-8 west approaching Exit 125, CA-7 to Mexico. Border crossing closed 10p - 6a.

Taken 03-01-2006

I-8 CA-7 Holtville Imperial County California United States
CA-186 South - Weapons/Ammo Illegal In Mexico
CA-186 South - Weapons/Ammo Illegal In Mexico

Weapons and Ammunition Illegal in Mexico on CA-186 south approaching Mexico customs.

Taken 03-01-2006

CA-186 Winterhaven Imperial County California United States
Road Closed When Flashing - I-80 East
Road Closed When Flashing - I-80 East

I-80 Closed 20 Miles Ahead When Lights Flashing

Taken 05-01-2004

I-80 US-30 Rawlins Carbon County Wyoming United States

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